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Real Estate

Real Estate

Aerial Shot of property from 200 feet in the air.

Skyshot Aerial of Countryside

Skyshot Aerial of Countryside

Aerial Picture of English Countryside

The Skyshot Helikite

Flies in all weather conditions.



The greatest advance in aerial photography since the camera.


The Skyshot Helikite is designed to use with little requirement for technical knowledge of any kind in order to take superb, professional quality aerial photos in almost all conditions. No need to be a light aircraft or helicopter pilot with hundreds of expensive flying hours. No Jeeps with tall, heavy masts required.  Geeky model aircraft flying skills are redundant. Expert knowledge of the intricate details of quad-copter propellers, motors, lithium batteries, chargers, radio frequencies, ground control stations and actuators is no longer needed.  Forget MHz, watts, amps, volts, RPM, power-to- weight ratios, glide angles, propeller-angle-of-attack, gyros, attenuators, voltage regulators, computer programs etc, etc...   If you just want to take superb, professional quality aerial photos without any trouble, then the Skyshot Helikite truly is a revolution.

With all Skyshot Helikites the flight is automatic. Steady, reliable. No wind, or high wind,  a Skyshot Helikite is going to fly in a stable manner, whether attached to a person or the ground. Now, with the new 'Action Cam' Skyshot Helikite even the aerial photography is completely automatic. The 'Action Cam' does everything by itself!  Skill is not required.

So absolutely anyone can be a great and safe aerial photographer within minutes of opening the Skyshot package.  It really is that easy. Simple, reliable and safe aerial photography has never been possible before.

Skyshot Helikites are not toys or unstable balloons. They are serious aerostats in miniature. Used by the Special Forces of numerous countries for various duties, they will fly in conditions which defeat other aerostats many times larger. These are professional pieces of equipment designed to operate reliably all the time. They are designed for business as much as pleasure. Skyshot Helikites can be relied on when you need them.


REAL ESTATE - Great aerial photos sells homes, land and industrial buildings far faster than normal photos. 'Action Cam' Skyshot Helikites make taking the photos so easy that any member of staff can take good photos for just the small cost of a few minutes of their time. All houses can be photographed both in town and countryside. The larger Skyshot Helikites are suited to the specialist aerial photographer.  Clients love this service, and Skyshot Helikites can provide it at minimal cost.
SURVEYING - Aerial photogrammetry is by far the fastest and most accurate way of measuring large areas of land. Great for building plots, boundary disputes etc. Skyshot Helikites make this extremely easy compared to all other surveying methods.
SCIENCES - Skyshot Helikites are invaluable tools for geography, geology, ecology, pollution measurement, biology, archaeology, oceanic science and meteorology.  Every natural scientist should have a Skyshot Helikite.
FARMING - Measure crop growth, spot disease, check for water deficiency and plant stress from the air. Increase yields by using near-infra red or normal spectrum aerial photography to monitor thousands of acres of crops fast. 
ENVIRONMENT - Skyshot Helikites can measure oil-spills from boats at sea. They can monitor habitat destruction caused by over-farming, fires, landslides, flooding, urban sprawl, roads, etc.
PLANNING - Excellent for providing overview of a developers proposed site. Aids the granting of planning permission. Also, great for showing the view from future high rise developments to increase sales.
EDUCATION - Superb tool for teaching students the aerial perspective of many science and human geography courses.
EVENTS - Fetes, conferences, business gatherings, political rallies, weather events, beaches. Wonderful aerial images.
JOURNALISM - Photograph crime scenes, royal gatherings, political marches & police action. See beyond the police cordon.
SPORTS - Airborne pictures of surfing, sailing, skiing, riding, cricket, football, cycling, motor racing, NASCAR, climbing etc.
MILITARY - Instant ISTAR for troops on the ground.
PHOTOGRAPHY - For art, advertising, fun, learning, and philosophy.



Skyshot Helikites are a very popular series of small photographic Skyhook Helikites with various custom modifications added to allow the lifting of compact digital cameras. There are presently three basic types:


Most economical. This model comes equipped with a single monopod underneath for a single camera.  

With simple, manual, pan/tilt monopod for a single camera. In sizes 1m3, 1,6m3, 2m3 and 3m3. A large variety of cameras can be lifted, from lightweight pocket digital cameras such as the Pentax Optio series or GoPro, to the surveyors favourite Ricoh GR2 Digital, up to superb quality 'Bridge Cameras' and large DSRL's.  With our optional 'Damped Pendulum Mount' extra cost they will lift many pan/tilt rigs.
















This Helikite allows numerous GoPro Cameras to be attached around the circumference of the Helikite's balloon. They can all take photos at once therefore guaranteeing numerous superb photos in all directions within a few seconds of launch. This allows anyone to instantly become an excellent aerial photographer with no training or trouble. The 1m3 size can lift up to three cameras, the 1.6m3 four cameras and the 2m3 can carry six cameras

















The Skyshot Hybrid comes equipped with a single monopod underneath for mounting one photo camera, as well as soft mounts for GoPro Video Cameras. Combinations vary depending on the size of Helikite. Please contact us for more information.




Additional Options Available

GoPro Pan/Tilt Rig. This lifts our brilliant new 'Steady-Cam' + radio-controlled pan/tilt gimbal with camera. Fits on a 2m3 Skyshot Helikite. Streaming video is sent directly to any smartphone or tablet via WiFi utilising a free GoPro app. WiFi range on a flying Helikite is up to 140 metres. This is a brilliant system.  Probably the smallest, lightest pan/tilt rig in the world.


Gyro-Stabilised Brushless Motor Gimbals. For GoPro and Sony Nex 5 only. 3 axis and 360 degree rotation. These rigs need to be very carefully balanced. So it it not possible to do them for any camera at a low price. We decided to concentrate on the GoPro and Nex 5 in order to provide video for as many professional cameramen as possible. They give superb, stable video and photos and can be lifted with the 3m3 Skyshot Helikite.


Custom Gimbals. Any camera can be fitted with a custom made pan/tilt/zoom rig. The cost is much greater as it involves development but this is interesting work. Brushless gimbals too, although they take more time.


Please ask us for a quote for your favourite system.




Multiple GoPro Cameras point in all directions to cover all angles.

GoPro Camera secured firmly within protective, adjustable, Velco mount.

Single Camera on pan-tilt

monopod. Held firmly below the keel to give good all around line of site.

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